Maintenance Crew Honored by Emery School Board


By Julie Johansen

The Emery School Board honored the district maintenance crew at the board meeting last week. Members of the crew include Brayden Huntsman, Wayne Maxfield, Kerry Lake, Wayne Huntsman, Courtney Cox, Brett Jeffs and Megan Durrant. Though Durrant was unable to attend, the board took time to present the rest of the crew with gifts of appreciation for all they do for the district.

Next, Trent Huntsman of Westland Construction gave the board an update on the construction projects at Emery High School and Ferron Elementary. Huntsman reported that phase one at Emery High is only lacking the grass on the southeast around the tennis courts. The grass should be here and laid on Tuesday, July 19. In addition, a small amount of asphalt is still needed north of the tennis court coming from Center Street. In phase 2 at the new building site west of the current building, the main focus currently is construction of the north parking lot. This is being finished first to help relieve some of the parking issues on Center Street.

At Ferron Elementary, the old building is almost completely demolished and hauled off the site. The larger open areas in the building, including the media center, reception center and gym, are ready to go minus a few more ceiling tiles and carpet finishing. The classrooms are finished and work on the parking lot and playground are the areas of focus now. This should be close to completion by the time school starts.

The next item on the agenda was names for hire presented by Superintendent Ryan Maughan. The following names received approval: Elise Livingston, reading aide Huntington Elementary; Kodi Caldwell, TSSA/PE aide at Huntington Elementary; Seth Justice, PE aide at Cottonwood Elementary;  Adrian Jensen, special education teacher at Huntington Elementary; Deanna Hansen, speech language technician; Katylyn Farley, teacher at Green River High School; Sheri Vetere, volleyball head coach at Green River High School; and Doreen Lehnhoff, assistant volleyball coach at Green River High School.

The board then voted Jackie Allred be retained as the district’s business administrator for the next two years. A $1 per hour raise was also approved for classified employees as a negotiations revision. Many fall extracurricular activities for secondary schools then received approval by the board.

To conclude, the Emery High School Future Farmers of America (FFA) requested permission for out-of-state travel to compete at the National FFA Convention in Minneapolis in October. They were the first place livestock team at the state convention last spring. Permission was granted by the board along with accolades and well wishes for the team.

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