BLM Conveys 642 Acres to Emery Town


By Julie Johansen

The regularly scheduled town council meeting for Emery Town was on Wednesday, Sept. 13. Following opening statements, Mayor Jack Funk invited Kyle Beagley, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Director for the Price office, to address the council. Beagley then introduced Lance Porter, who is the Green River BLM District Manager. They brought documents of conveyance for 642 acres of land to give to Emery Town.

This was designated by the Dingell Act passed in 2018 and was one of seven conveyances issued by this legislation, five of them in Emery County. They apologized for the length of time it has taken to complete this transaction, stating that the surveying was a lengthy process. The conveyance was signed by Mayor Funk and will be recorded. The council thanked the BLM and noted that this land is west of Emery Town.

Next on the agenda was James Geloff, a regional salesman for Les Olson. He distributed information about the IT department and services his company could render to the town. The council reviewed the information but no action was taken.

Three young men, Landon Byars, MacClain Beagley and Rev Mason, then requested a skatepark be built in Emery. Their request was for a 50’ x 50’ pad east of the playground equipment at the city park. The young men stated that this is a starting point and they hope that it may later grow to twice that size. The mayor replied that he would like a committee organized and he would be part of that group. This committee would be looking for designs, funding and equipment. The council voted to support them in their request.

Next, Emery’s fire chief reported that they attended a wildland fire training and received a wildland fire grant. It was also reported that equipment for this type of firefighting is on its way. The fire department will be attending classes in Sandy on Nov. 7 and 8.

Council member Lindsay Edwards reported that the work on the old church is progressing. Road signs and stop signs for the town have arrived and the maintenance crew should be installing them soon.

Councilman Patrick Sundstrom attended the last Castle Valley Special Service District meeting and said that the cost of the secondary meters would be covered 56.7%. The ponds for the city are being cleaned and should be relined soon.

Councilwoman Kim Hansen wondered about increasing the city recorder’s hours. She also reported that an audit is upcoming.

Councilman Mike Christensen, who was not present at the meeting, sent a report that he was approached about sewer hookup for vacation homes. This would have to come through planning and zoning permits.

To conclude, Mayor Funk expressed his appreciation for all that is being done in the city. He said he would like to give maintenance worker Mark Minchey a $2 per hour raise because of his work ethic, which the council approved.

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