Huntington City Council Updates General Plan


By Julie Johansen

The Huntington City Council met during its October meeting on Wednesday. The full council and Mayor Leonard Norton listened to the recommendations of the Huntington City Planning and Zoning Commission.

The recommendations were presented by zoning administrator Gary Arrington and, with a few minor changes, the council accepted the updated chapters: chapter three dealing with transportation, chapter four describing requirements for buildings and facilities, and chapter five that describes a business-friendly community dealing with economic development.

A new business license was then approved for Harmony Massage and Wellness. This business will be located at 115 North Main Street in Huntington.

Next, it was reported that a Community Development Block Grant received by the city is being used for the purchase of fire department equipment and protective clothing for the members of the department. A sanitizing washer will also be purchased for the fire house, which will add protection to the fire crew. Fire chief Chase Majors is requesting bids for these things as required by the state grant.

A new resolution will be adopted by the council at the beginning of the year, which will set the increase of culinary water and sewer fees at a proposed 3%. A public hearing will be required to do this.

Mayor Norton then reminded the council that the city cleanup window ends on Oct. 29. After that time, there will be no city pickup. He also reported that yield signs on First North and First West have been replaced with stop signs.

Norton continued, cautioning about Halloween and school activities. He concluded with appreciation to all who help with the city.

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