Elmo Town Council Listens to Input on Town Ordinances


By Julie Johansen

The Elmo Town Council meeting on Tuesday opened with a request from a concerned citizen. The citizen requested clarification on the town building permits. She needed to know the set back and side footage requirements for accessory buildings on her lot. She requested equal requirements for everyone. The next action was to close the regular meeting and open a public hearing.

The purpose of the public hearing was to receive input on changing town ordinances dealing with unlawful parking and traffic violations, property maintenance, recreational vehicles, animal unit numbers on property, and infractions and penalties. Several citizens had questions and suggestions, but no major changes were made to the proposed ordinances.

Danny Jensen, a senior at Emery High, addressed the council. He was requesting a donation for the graduation celebration in turn for service the seniors are proposing for Elmo Town. The request from the town was to help clean up the highways going to and from Elmo. The council will donate $400 and will coordinate with the seniors later on the services the graduates plan to render.

Emery County Commissioner Keven Jensen and Country Librarian Desiree Malley requested the property under the Elmo Town Library be deeded to Emery County, which the council agreed.

Then, Commissioner Jensen passed out a hand-out that outlined Emery County’s plans for the organization of the EMS Special Service District. He explained the process to the council. The sheriff will be the chairman. The director will be a full-time, paid position, followed by garage leads and EMTs. The board will consist of a city representative and one commissioner.

Councilwoman Lori Brady announced that the town cleanup week will be May 12-21. Discussion continued on mapping the lots in the cemetery. Two options were considered and the council needs to decide which one they prefer.

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