Carbon Sheriff Talks Pleasant Valley Days


By Carbon County Sheriff Jeff Wood

I wanted to take a minute and talk about how the summer is going from a Carbon County Sheriff’s Office standpoint. We were happy with the annual Pleasant Valley Days event in Scofield this year. I often get questions from the public about what it takes to provide services for this type of event, so I wanted to share this with you.

We had deputies and search and rescue members utilized for this event starting on Friday afternoon until Sunday morning. I would like to shout out to the deputies and search and rescue members that assisted in ensuring safety for this event: Chief Deputy Steele, Sgt. Adams, Sgt. Addley, Sgt. Leonard, Sgt. Anderson, Deputy Hathaway, Deputy Rodinelli, Deputy Bunting, Deputy Jones, Deputy Nelson, Deputy Peczuh, Deputy Hepworth, Deputy Perry, Deputy Carmichael, Emergency Manager Needles, Search and Rescue Commander Carlson, Search and Rescue Member Rich, and BLM Ranger Morningstar. Each individual listed assisted in making this event a success from our standpoint.

To give the public an idea of the logistics that are involved in an event like this, we had a total of 196 hours worked. We had our mobile command post, side by side, ATV, and search and rescue boats used in this event. We conducted traffic control on Saturday morning starting at 6:30 a.m. for the 5k run and the parade. We hauled the fireworks and firework crew to the island to set up the show and brought them back after the show was completed, and conducted patrol for the event.

I am happy to report there were no major incidents that occurred this year. It is estimated that around 10,000 people attend this event each year and it is a great event for our county.

Also, I have been getting speeding complaints and have beefed up enforcement efforts in areas in Carbonville, Westwood, Coal Creek Road and Old Wellington Road. Please make an effort to manage your speed when traveling in the neighborhoods of the county. With it being summer vacation, the kids are out and about. We are also in the 100 deadliest days of summer on Utah’s roads. Please drive carefully and wear your seat belt.

The annual Carbon County Search and Rescue Demolition Derby is scheduled on Sept. 9 this year and we are looking forward to it. This is a good opportunity to get involved in the sport of demolition derby with classes available for beginners and experienced drivers alike. It is time to get building cars if you are interested in participating in our derby this year.

I want to thank our community for the continued support of our local law enforcement. We are blessed to live in such a wonderful community and it is an honor to serve from the office of sheriff.

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