Carbon School District Accepts Land Donation


The Cunningham/Bruno family was recognized during the Carbon School Board meeting on Wednesday evening for their generous donation of 33 acres to the Carbon School District.

Adam Cunningham, Carbon High School band teacher, was brought to the podium in place of his mother Joyce (Bruno) Cunningham to explain what prompted the family to donate their land located near Sally Mauro Elementary.

Cunningham began by stating that the property was one of the original homesteads of Helper and has been in the Bruno family since the late 1800’s. The land is now owned by Joyce and her brother Maurice Bruno. To make it easier on themselves, instead of splitting the land between their kids, they have come to the decision to donate their land to the school district.

The only stipulation the family included with the donation was a request for a plaque explaining where the land came from so Carbon School District will be able to use the land as it deems fit.

Superintendent Mika Salas concluded the recognition by stating that the district appreciates the generous donation and will be sending a gift to Joyce to express its gratitude.

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