Price City Officials Address School Zone Crosswalk Issues


Since the beginning of the 2023-24 school year, there have been a number of issues and concerns regarding the crosswalk in front of Mont Harmon Middle School that the students utilize daily.

Several members of the Price City Council and the Price City Police Department (PCPD) have looked into the concerns and they would like to increase the public’s awareness on the location of the crosswalk and its frequent usage. Therefore, there will soon be a speed trailer parked on one side of the road as well as a message board pointing out the crosswalk, which has been moved.

After a period of time, the city will reverse the sign and the trailer due to the speed being a bit over the posted speed most of the time, and significantly over during school hours. This is highly dangerous and they are working to mitigate the issue and increase the public’s awareness to slow down near any schools and crosswalks.

The school zone has a flashing sign and the city has ordered more in order to draw attention to said school zones and crosswalks, particularly the one that is located on Carbon Avenue. The city knows there are issues there and urges the community to be aware until the lights can be put in place.

“Everything in all of our school zones is going to be heavily enforced,” stated PCPD Police Chief Brandon Sicilia. “That one is a main concern just because of the congestion at that main intersection.”

Despite the middle school students being older than the age when a crossing guard is traditionally necessary, it was determined that there will be one placed there. However, the PCPD will be heavily patrolling the area for the time being.

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