Canyon View Middle School Students of the Week


Cache Collard

Cache has been nominated for student of the week for taking ownership of his learning. He has set some fantastic academic and personal goals in Literacy class. He stays on top of missing assignments and continually knows what he needs to do to reach those goals. If it were up to Cache, he would spend his days outside enjoying the sunshine and racing dirt bikes. Hunting is also on his approved activity list, just don’t ask him to stay indoors. If he HAS to be inside, wrestling is the only thing for him. Cache’s proudest moment at Canyon View was winning region last year. He is currently working hard to repeat that huge accomplishment this coming season and based on his hard work, he is sure to achieve it! Keep up the good work Cache, you are doing amazing things!

Atayla Feuers

She has been nominated for student of the week for valuing her education and doing what is asked. She is a quiet worker and is able to stay on task. She knows what her end goal is and what she needs to do to achieve it. She keeps her head down and isn’t satisfied with the bare minimum. She takes it upon herself to go above and beyond to ensure she truly learns the content and earn the grade she wants. Atayla is able to advocate for herself and makes sure she asks clarifying questions to continue to improve herself. She carries her hard work and determination on to the dirt of the softball fields. She always gives her best whether it’s doodling and coloring or crocheting a new scarf design. Congratulations Atayla, Canyon View sees and recognizes all your hard work!

 Lilly Cowley

Lilly Cowley has been nominated for student of the week for her grit and determination to be successful so far this school year. She is dedicated to meeting her personal and school goals and has already shown outstanding growth in her reading. To top it off, she has perfect attendance this year! Lilly takes pride in her grades and does all she can to ensure they are top-notch. She has an amazing sense of style and always puts together the cutest outfits, add in her artistic nails and fancy hairstyles, this girl is always dressed to the nines. A hidden talent of hers is organization and piecing decorations together to create a beautiful living space. Lilly has a fun personality and is always kind to her peers. Way to go Lilly, Canyon View is proud how you display all aspects of Cougar PRIDE!

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