Canyon View Middle School Students of the Week


Annzlie Bell

Annzlie Bell is being celebrated as student of the week for her consistent effort in knowing where she’s at academically, in addition to knowing what she needs to do to challenge herself. She has set some awesome goals for herself this school year and is on her way to accomplishing each one! Annzlie might seem quiet and reserved at first but once she’s around her people her bubbly personality shines through. She’s got the best stories around and those who get to hear them are pretty lucky. One of her best qualities is loyalty, she would do anything for her family and close friends. Art is her all-time favorite subject at school and enjoys being able to express her creativity through her projects. Canyon View is lucky to have you in our classrooms Annzlie, keep up the great work!

Chandler Hurst

Chandler Hurst is being celebrated as student of the week for continually challenging himself to reach new goals. He has made significant growth throughout the year, all while keeping a smile on his face. He brightens up everyone’s day with his happy go-lucky and optimistic attitude, usually followed with a massive high-five! He always has a smile on his face and has a relentless determination whether he’s in the classroom, football field or taking down opponents on the wrestling mat. Since he has proven his grit and tenacity in those areas, we’ll let it slide that he has given up on eating shrimp again. While everyone may not agree with his taste buds, it’s safe to say we all agree with Chandler that sleep is so much better in the summer! Congratulations Chandler, your bright personality will be missed in CV’s halls!

Liam Scarlet

Liam Scarlet is being celebrated as student of the week for his hard work in the classroom and awesome progress towards our school’s reading and math goals! He enjoys reading and it was no surprise when he recently was awarded the Scholar Award at Canyon View Middle School for outstanding achievement in reading. He is a quiet, studious and respectful student who is willing to reach out to help others when needed. It’s fun to see his personality shine through when he’s able to let loose with his tight-knit group of friends. He’s not only a fantastic friend but is the best brother to all of his siblings! Liam is able to show how thoughtful and caring he is through projects in Exploring Technology or making sure everyone is included. Congratulations on all your accomplishments at Canyon View Liam, your kind spirit is recognized and will be missed!



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