Orangeville City Needs a Mayor


By Julie Johansen

Orangeville City Council met on Thursday, April 11 for their regularly scheduled meeting. All council members, Doug Stilson, Greg Jewkes, Tracy Addley, Kevin Butler, Shaun Bell and Mayor David Robertson were in attendance, as well as city staff members and many Orangeville citizens. Mayor Robertson welcomed the visitors and gave them an opportunity to voice their concerns, though no comments were made.

The first action item was to approve the attendance of City Clerk Brittney Richards at a clerk conference. The next item was the ratification of the concrete cutting that has already begun to remove trip hazards in city sidewalks, especially around city hall. Comments were made that some of the sidewalks are in need of being replaced.

Discussion then turned to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM)’s travel plan and the options that are being considered. It was noted that this is not action of local control, but coming from the federal government. These actions are required by the BLM due to of court ruling when in litigation with wilderness organizations. The council and citizens were asked to study each of the four plans and maps, then make specific comments when the public comment period in May is open. The effect of the impending road closures relating to economics of the cities and towns as well enjoyment and use of the Swell were addressed.

The Mill Dam Road RV project was then presented to the council. When plans are finalized and maps are available, the city would like to have them presented to the council and then they could hold a public hearing for input from the citizens.

Todd Hinkins requested moving a water line and point of diversion on his property. The council approved the action, though they advised him that he would need to also get permission from the Special Service District and it may require a new hook-up from them. Approval was given for the purchase of new sprinklers for parks and cemetery with a $1,000 budget limit.

Next on the agenda was Councilman Bell speaking about the truck lease the city is now using and the increase in cost and leasing being changed from one year to three years. A phone call was made to a representative from the leasing company, but terms were still questioned. The city attorney will need to be contacted before decisions can be made and this item was tabled.

Zoning Administrator Seth Manning then addressed the parking on Main Street at Cottonwood Apartments and the safety hazards that is causing. The council felt there was plenty of parking in apartments’ parking lot off the street. “No Parking” signs and stripes will be painted to try to alleviate this problem.

During staff and council reports, Councilman Butler reported that Orangeville Days is well-organized and getting ready to happen. It was also noted that some short-term rentals are operating without business licenses and will be notified of this city requirement. All but eight out of 28 flower pots have been adopted by citizens for city beautification. Expressions of appreciation were given to the citizens for becoming involved. There was also a plea for more EMT’s in Orangeville.

As the meeting came to a close, Mayor Robertson read his letter of resignation, which became effective immediately due to health reasons. He voiced his love for Orangeville and thanked the city council and city workers. He stated he looked forward to seeing Orangeville grow and prosper. He wished his replacement and council well as they continue to serve Orangeville.

At a previous meeting, Shaun Bell was elected as Mayor pro temp, and he now will serve for 30 days until a replacement can be found.

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