Emery County Business Chamber Hosts Lunch and Learn with United Minerals


The Emery County Business Chamber hosted their monthly Lunch and Learn with United Minerals. As participants enjoyed their lunch, provided by Big Mountain Lodge, a presentation was given by James Byars, Owner of United Minerals.

United Minerals is a wholesale supplier of trace minerals, both as a liquid and a powder. United Minerals mines humic shale ore, which is then processed to extract the minerals and packaged to be shipped to companies around the world such as Japan, New Zealand, Australia, Taiwan and many other countries.

The minerals that United Minerals produces are in many health products as well as cosmetics. United Minerals does all of their own mining, processing, extracting and packaging to ensure the highest quality is being produced and sold. They are Gluten-Free Certified, FDA Gras Approved and Kosher Certified.

After the lunch and informational slideshow, participants were given a tour of the facility, where they were able to see the process first hand. The humic shale ore is mined and then sent through the crusher to obtain a specific size, and screened. It is then loaded into food grade extraction tanks, where it is leached with purified water until a specific concentration is reached.

The liquid is then pasteurized at 180 degrees for two minutes. It is packaged into a container and shipped to their customers. All minerals are tested in-house prior to being sent to a third party lab.

United Minerals has also found a way to convert their waste into soil conditioner and are currently in the process of launching United Humate, which is already being sold at a couple of different retail stores.

To learn more about United Minerals visit their website at: https://unitedmineralsllc.com/


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