Barry Horsley is Carbon County’s April Employee of the Month


For the month of April, the Carbon County Employee of the Month recognition went to Barry Horsley. Human Resources Assistant Kourtney Cox began the presentation at the Carbon County Commission meeting on Wednesday by stating that this recognition began with a conversation in HR Director Kellie Payne’s office.

Horsley had walked in and, like he does often, said that he had a crazy idea but wanted them to hear him out. Cox stated that when he walked back out, she told Payne that he needed to be Employee of the Month.

Cox said that she was thrilled to be at the meeting to talk about someone that truly deserves the recognition. Horsley is the IT and Maintenance Director, though his influence surpasses the scope and Cox explained that to say he bears many hats is an understatement.

Horsley gives an impressive amount of his time to the community as a part-time EMT for the Carbon County Ambulance, a volunteer fire fighter, a member of the Carbon County Hazmat Team and a key member of the county fair. Horsley continues to make a positive impact, and what really sets him apart is his passion.

“Barry is always there when you need him,” Cox stated, continuing by saying that he is constantly looking for ways to innovate and find solutions to challenges.

His expansive knowledge of county government has been invaluable in navigating the complexities of county work for Cox. Following the submission of her nomination, Cox shared that she had many others reach out to support it and she is not alone in recognizing his value.

Horsley was invited to speak and said that frankly, he enjoys his job. He thanked the county and said that there were many employees that deserved the recognition.

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