Carbon County Chamber of Commerce Continues to Support the Community


The Carbon County Chamber of Commerce hosted its monthly luncheon on March 21 at the Tuscan. Keynote speaker at the event was Boys and Girls Club of Carbon County Executive Director Josie Luke, who explained to those in attendance the importance of the organization to the community.

Luke, along with team members from the club, highlighted the program’s purpose and thanked everyone for their continued support of the Boys and Girls Club. She indicated that the future is bright for the organization. However, success will only come with community support.

The main goal of the chamber of commerce is to support local business and organizations by offering tools to success. The chamber vowed to continue promoting the Boys and Girls Club and all local businesses.

Carbon County Chamber of Commerce assisted the Family Support and Children’s Justice Center by presenting director Shelley Wright with a check for $1,822.00. The funds were earned during a silent auction conducted at the chamber’s award and installation banquet in January.




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