Ferron City Deals With Emergencies


By Julie Johansen

Mayor Trent Jackson welcomed everyone to the Ferron City Council meeting on Wednesday, July 3 at 7 p.m. Following the approval of the consent agenda, discussion began on an Appreciation Event for First Responders from the city.

The event is being planned for Thursday, July 11 at 6 p.m. in the Mayor’s Park and City Recorder Barbara Bowles is the chairman for the event. She commented the need for this following the amount of work and pressure the volunteers have been under, saying was time to show the city’s appreciation.

Jared Howes, next on the agenda, gave a monthly update on activities of the EMT’s in Ferron and the Emery County EMS Special Service District. He reported that it had been a very busy month making 24 runs. They remain short-staffed but have been able to keep a 6.5 minute average response time per call.  They have been fully staffed 85% of the time and 14% partially staffed. Nonprofit events will be covered without an assessment of fees, though large profit events will now be charged a fee for EMS coverage.

Howes added that a new ambulance looks probable for Ferron City before announcing that a beginning basic EMT class will start on October 22. It will be held twice a week at the Emery County Administration Building in Castle Dale. He requested city help with funding.

Randy Kenney, Ferron Fire Chief, also expressed the very busy month and expressed appreciation for the assistance of the EMS individuals. He reported on trainings for firemen before it was decided that when open fire requests are made, each one will be considered on an individual basis and each one will need a special conditional use permit.

A request for a donation to the Emery County Warrior 12U Baseball team was given consideration. The donation would come from the city’s funds regularly received from golf tournaments. Five dollars from the regular $35 dollars the city receives from each team registered will be given as a donation, for a total up to $400.

Peach Days Planning was the next item for discussion. “Fun at the Park” will be moved from the fairgrounds to the Mayor’s Park. Temporary fencing will be installed around the damaged area at the fairgrounds. Precautions with electrical power will be taken so that the area of the grounds used can have power, but nothing in the fire area. Sponsor banners, vendor permits, concession stand preparation and a theme were also discussed. The theme for the events will be “Bringing the Peach Back”. Horse Races, a Golf Tournament and a Car Show will also be part of the celebration.

CPA Auditor, Gary Keddington is helping Ferron City prepare the Risk Assessment to be mailed to the State of Utah.

Mayor Jackson read a letter that the city will send to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Travel Management Plan. It pointed out the economic impact any route closures would have on the city, as Ferron is surrounded by BLM ground and tourist and citizens use it for recreation. It also stated that they felt there was no need for additional planning since the 2017 plan. The letter added the appreciation for the inventory of the routes under consideration. The letter was approved by four of the five council members.

Locks for the newly acquired Community Center were approved. Planning and Zoning recommendations for changes in Ordinance 10-7D were considered. These changes added definitions for Recreational Vehicles, new lot sizes and the number of vehicles allowed per acre were considered.

Ferron City is working with insurance companies for the restoration of the stock show barn and area. It is desired that it be replaced much like it was, only improved. It was noted that it was likely nothing could be restored but would need to be rebuilt.

During council and mayor reports, it was noted that a matching fund grant is pending for Ferron and Molen Cemeteries. It was also reported that another maintenance worker has been hired and the cemetery will look better soon.

The dog ordinance was also discussed with special attention as to the control of the ordinance. Because some dogs are not licensed, a grace period for licensing was also suggested.

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