Another State Shoot for the Castle Gate Posse *Photo Gallery*


Photo by Maxwell Misner

The Castle Gate Posse, a shooting club that has been around the area since 1991, hosted a three-day event called “Castle Gate Robbery.” The second, “Another State Shoot”, started on Thursday with sign-ins at “Buck’s Place” in the Castle Gate Town. Following was the pledge, announcements and a safety meeting.

Side matches were also open, with categories such as Speed Pistol, Speed Rifle, Speed Shotgun, Speed Pocket Pistol, Speed Derringer, .22 Caliber Rifle, .22 Caliber Pistol, Long Range Pistol, Long Range Pistol Caliber Rifle and Long-Range Rifle Caliber Rifle. The posse finished off the day with the Long-Range Single Shot Rifle at “Buffalo Canyon”, followed by an informal Swap Meet and the Posse Marshall Walk Through.

The next day brought “Red Shirt Friday”, wearing red in honor of our armed forces. They finished out the side matches, where the award ceremony followed, as well as door prizes and a social hour at “Buck’s Place.”

The main matches would begin on Saturday, closing the range after the last bullet of the fifth stage of the day. To finish out an exciting weekend, the Posse went to a social hour and dinner, hosted at the Senior Citizen Center at the Fairgrounds, with dinner prepared by Sam Farlaino. After the group ate their meals, the award ceremony began with awards being handed out for best costumes, main match awards and side match awards.

For more information on the winners in all of the categories, as well as more information on the club, visit

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