Helper Veterans Monument Memorial


Press Release

The Helper Veterans Monument Memorial was established at Helper’s Mt View Cemetery in May 2013 to recognize and remember by listing all service members and veterans of the US Armed Forces who are buried at this cemetery.

Created by Charles & Louise Hamilton, the Monument consists both of a memorial tablet and a 6ft X 10ft US flag flown atop a 30-foot flagpole close by; the flag being monitored regularly, replaced and retired when found unserviceable. It is currently managed by veterans David Jelin and Sandra Diamanti.

Recently, 70 names of veterans were added to the memorial; this could not be done during the winter. It should be noted that in the three years prior no names were added as plates were unavailable.

The Helper Veterans Monument Memorial is listed with the US Internal Revenue Service and the State of Utah as a charitable, non-profit organization.

If you wish to contribute to the Memorial for the US Flag and name plates, donations made be made at Washington Federal Bank in Price in the organization’s name. Those interested in participating in the caretaking of the Memorial may text name and contact information to (435) 650-1827.

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