A Community Day of Service Greatly Appreciated


By Julie Johansen

The Castle Dale Baptist Church and Castle Dale Utah Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Saints organized a Community Day of Service on Saturday, Sept. 7. This was the second annual Day of Service in this area. During the previous week, flyers were delivered to many homes in the area by youth groups and advertisements were placed in civic gathering places such as libraries and city halls. It became a community wide event.

Participants were asked to place their contributions of nonperishable food or other items such as clothes including shoes, coats, gloves and hats, toiletries, or hygiene items on their front porches by 9 a.m. Saturday morning, youth groups would pick them up and take them to the Stake House in Castle Dale. There were also collection centers at Stewarts Marketplace, Magnuson Lumber or Food Ranch, where donations could be dropped off.

The food items were then taken to the Emery Caring for Kids distributers, Lindsey Oman and Barbara Rasmussen, to be sorted and delivered in the Care Bags given through schools to needy children for weekend and holiday meals. The clothes were sorted by youth groups, Stake Relief Society Presidents Amber Braun, Stake Sunday School President Jason Jewkes and Pastor Keven Jensen.

These items, as well as hygiene and toiletries, were also taken to the schools where teachers carefully made them available for needy students, K-12 grade.

The donations continue to pour in even a couple of weeks later and event organizers remarked this year was much bigger than last year. Their gratitude and appreciation to all communities is greatly felt.

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