A Vote for Progress, Unity, and Real Solutions in Utah


Paid Political Press Release

As Election Day approaches, I’m asking for your vote to represent Utah House District 69. My name is Davina Smith, and I believe this election is about building a future where every family, no matter where they live, has a chance to thrive.

Raised in Monument Valley and now living in Blanding, I’m a proud mother of four who understands the unique challenges our rural communities face. Growing up in the Diné (Navajo) Nation, I embraced the values of faith, family, and personal responsibility. I’ve witnessed firsthand how hard-working families strive to make ends meet, access quality healthcare, and secure a good education for their children. I’ve dedicated my life to advocating for rural families, Native communities, and hardworking Utahns. Now, I’m ready to bring our shared values to the Utah Legislature—promoting economic opportunity, protecting individual freedoms, and ensuring our rural voices are heard.

Expanding Healthcare Access

Healthcare is a fundamental right, not a privilege. Yet in rural Utah, too many people struggle to find the care they need, whether it’s due to a lack of providers or high costs. I’m committed to expanding healthcare access, ensuring that families don’t have to drive hours to see a doctor or delay treatment because of cost. I will work to strengthen rural healthcare infrastructure, bring more providers to underserved areas, and make healthcare more affordable for all. This is not just a rural issue—it’s a statewide challenge, and it’s time we address it head-on.

Improving Our Public Schools

Education is the cornerstone of opportunity, yet Utah ranks near the bottom in per-pupil spending. Our rural schools, in particular, are underfunded, and teachers are often overworked and underpaid. Every child, regardless of where they live, deserves access to a high-quality education. I support increasing funding for rural schools, raising teacher pay, and expanding early childhood education. These investments are not just about the present—they are about building a future where all Utah children can succeed.

Protecting Our Public Lands

Utah’s public lands are not only a vital part of our economy but also a cherished part of our heritage. From Bears Ears to Grand Staircase-Escalante, these lands support tourism, recreation, and our cultural identity, especially for Indigenous communities. I am committed to protecting these lands for future generations, ensuring they remain accessible to all while preventing exploitation. Striking a balance between environmental protection and economic development is crucial, and I will work with local leaders to promote sustainable growth that benefits our communities without compromising our natural treasures.

Lowering Taxes for Working Families

One of the ways I can make life easier for Utah families is by lowering taxes where it counts. I am focused on repealing the sales tax on food, which unfairly burdens working families, and eliminating taxes on Social Security benefits, providing relief to seniors. These changes will put more money back in the pockets of those who need it most—families and retirees who are struggling to make ends meet. I believe in a fair tax system that supports our communities, not one that disproportionately impacts those who are already struggling.

Addressing Affordable Housing

Affordable housing is another urgent issue facing our district. Too many families are being priced out of the communities they’ve called home for generations. I will fight for affordable housing solutions that prioritize local families, using smart state and federal resources to expand housing options without sacrificing our rural character. Whether it’s through zoning reforms, incentives for developers, or expanding homeownership programs, we need real solutions that work for rural Utah.

A Commitment to Bipartisanship and Practical Solutions

In today’s political climate, it’s easy to get bogged down by partisanship. But I believe we need to focus on what unites us rather than what divides us. Throughout my life, I’ve built bridges across political divides to find practical solutions. I’m committed to working with lawmakers from both parties to pass legislation that benefits all Utahns. My campaign isn’t about pushing a divisive agenda—it’s about listening to your needs and finding common-sense solutions that improve our quality of life.

A Voice for the People of Rural Utah

Our district is geographically massive but sparsely populated, and it can feel like our voices aren’t being heard. That’s why I’m committed to keeping open lines of communication with my constituents. I will hold regular town halls and use virtual meetings to ensure that every voice is heard, no matter how remote. I will also establish local advisory committees to bring issues from every corner of our district to the table, making sure that I represent your interests in Salt Lake City.

A Future for All

This election is about more than just policies—it’s about building a future where all rural Utah families can thrive. I am running to ensure that our children have access to quality education, that our families can afford to put food on the table without being taxed unfairly, and that our lands are protected for future generations. I believe we can create a future where all Utahns have the opportunity to succeed.

I’m Davina Smith, and I’m asking for your vote. Together, we can make this future a reality.

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