Board Works to Improve Price Main Street


The Price City Main Street America Board hosted its April meeting on Thursday afternoon with Price City Mayor Mike Kourianos, Price City Council members Amy Knott-Jespersen and Rick Davis, Representative Christine Watkins and more in attendance.

To begin the meeting, Price City Community Director Nick Tatton reviewed various grants that were received to assist in Price City projects, including murals, benches, garbage can wraps and more in the downtown district. The board is also working to install equipment for pole banners on Main Street and add additional wayfinding signs downtown.

Also in attendance at the meeting was Marianne Shiner of Bookcliff Sales, where the city is working in conjunction with Helper artist Kate Kilpatrick to create a mural on the side of the building. The board spoke with Shiner on various concerns and aspects of the project, such as the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and a possible addendum to one of the provisions. Mayor Kourianos stressed that they would like to clarify certain details, such as if the mural was damaged, which party is responsible.

Shiner also discussed the possibility of moving the bumpers already located near the wall to create more space. This would help with walking space and ensure that the wall and mural are additionally protected. Councilman Davis agreed that the bumpers be moved so people do not need to crane their necks and move around vehicles in order to see the mural in its entirety.

Tatton said that the MOU needs to be signed so that the project can move forward. He asked for both Mayor Kourianos and Shiner to remain briefly after the board closed the meeting to finalize the wording and details in the MOU.

From there, the board discussed the Main Street Coordinator position. Tatton explained that the grant from the Governor’s Office of Economic Development matched 50/50 to contract with someone to oversee Main Street coordination. Greg Dart and Michael Bryant created the request for proposals, which was then distributed.

One proposal response was received from Marketing Elevated. Tatton explained that whoever acts as the coordinator would be established with Price City for activities, payments and more. The mayor explained that for this position, they need someone that would be present and have their boots on the ground.

Much discussion was had with the board regarding the coordinator position and possibly approving a contract with Marketing Elevated. Ultimately, the board made the decision that Marketing Elevated and a number of other interested parties would be approached to create letters of interest for the position. The topic will then be reopened during the next Main Street America Board meeting, which is slated to take place on May 5.

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