Budget Items Considered by Orangeville City Council


By Julie Johansen

Mayor David Robertson opened the Orangeville City council meeting on Oct. 13 by asking for a motion to approve the bills, warrants and past minutes. Following this action, a motion was made to enter into a public hearing.

The purpose of the public hearing was to move $60,000 in the city budget to purchase or rent new vehicles for the city. The discussion included considering both options and contacting the leasing company to have several questions answered.

A utility leasing agreement for Kris Justesen was then signed by the council, approving the renter to pay the utility bills. A request for tree removal by Mike Bean was tabled until guidance from the city attorney could be obtained.

Approval was then granted to purchase a new fridge for the community center as well as approval for four new cameras to be placed around city hall for additional security. A donation to the newspaper for veterans from Orangeville to be included in the ETV News Veterans Guide was ratified.

Discussion then began on giving the city treasurer a raise as she received her certification. The proposal was for a 5% raise for being promoted to the city manager and also 5% for her recent certification. This item was tabled and will be discussed at a closed session when all council members can be in attendance.

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