Canyon View Middle School “Students of the Week”


Photo Courtesy of CVMS

Chloe Hurst

Chloe consistently exemplifies what it means to be a model student by being incredibly helpful to her peers and teachers. She is always on task, demonstrating a strong commitment to her learning. With high expectations for herself, she excels at meeting school and personal goals for the STAR Assessment, ALEKS topics, and academic grades. In her spare time Chloe enjoys reading a great book, playing a good game of pavement hockey, staying up late, and playing video games. While she may try to hide her great personality and mischievous side, we are fortunate enough to catch glimpses of both every now and then! Chloe would prefer to stay out of the spotlight, but Canyon View wants her to know that we think she is great and we love her being at our school!


Bentley Bell

Bentley is an incredible young man who consistently demonstrates hard work and a genuine eagerness to learn. He has a passion for technology, especially with his skills in using the 3-D printer, which he loves to explore and share with his classmates and his teacher. Bentley is not only patient and kind, but he also brings great insight and a unique way of thinking to our classroom discussions. At home, he is an early bird who admires his dad’s wisdom and is known for keeping his room clean. His family finds him both funny and kind, making him a joy to be around. Bentley continuously exceeds our school goals in reading, math, and academics, and he enjoys participating in football, wrestling, and track. Canyon View is proud of Bentley’s achievements and the positive impact he has on those around him!

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