Carbon County Justice Court Teams With Helper City, Approval Made for Terrorist Attack Training


Helper City Mayor Ed Chavez attended the Carbon County Commission meeting Wednesday evening to present a contract to the commissioners in regards to providing justice court services to Helper City through the Carbon County Justice Court.

County Attorney Christian Bryner had obtained the contract previously and informed the commissioners that it was copacetic. The contract outlines that all of the Helper City cases will be handled through the Carbon County justice court system. The cases will still be prosecuted by Helper and then processed through Carbon County. Furthermore, the funds received will be split by statute.

“We are happy with it and are happy to be working with the courts and the commissioners,” Mayor Chavez said.

Also presented to the commissioners on Wednesday was a consideration for a training to prepare the community for a terrorist attack. Carbon County Emergency Operations Director Justin Needles spoke on this item, informing the commissioners that the grant is associated with Homeland Security. The training was brought about after the Boston Marathon incident, where multiple bombs that were set off were strategically placed in order to scatter officers.

The grant was then opened for communities to prepare for those attacks. At the time of the meeting, Needles had not yet spoken with East Carbon, but did have support from all of the surrounding cities in the county. He further stated that the sheriff’s offices in Emery, Grand and San Juan counties are also in support. The next step would be to pay a contractor to write a scenario where multiple attacks occur. Needles stated this would most likely take place at one of the schools due to them being the most vulnerable areas.

This training is made possible through a 100% grant with no match from the county. This proposal was approved and signed by the commissioners.


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