Carbon County Royalty Presents Yearly Recap


The Carbon County Commissioners were paid a visit by local royalty as the Miss Carbon County, Miss Carbon County Outstanding Teen and the Mini, Little and Junior Miss Carbon County members gave a recap of the year.

Kylie Howes, director of the organization, spoke on the purpose of the organization and stated that she wished to thank the current royalty for their service throughout the past year through fundraising and community service. They assisted in a Carbon Cat Rescue event, participated in the mud run fundraiser, hand-delivered Thanksgiving dinners, read to elementary school students, planted trees and much more.

“This royalty has been above and beyond this year,” said Howes.

Howes then wished the girls the best and stated that she knows they will all succeed in whatever they put their minds to. She gave gifts to each of them before asking the royalty members to speak about the organization and their accomplishments.

Due to COVID-19, this year’s pageant was canceled. With this in mind, Howes extended the reign of Lily Vigil, Skylynn Basso, Megan Roberts, Bentley Bennett and Taylee Brower for an additional year.

“We are so proud of each of these young women,” Howes said.

Each returning member recapped their year and spoke of the future. Many stated that the year was fun as so many service projects were completed and they are excited for the coming year. Howes concluded the presentation by asking the commissioners to reach with for similar opportunities that the girls can participate in.

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