Carbon County SAR Demolition Derby Celebrates Wildly Successful Year


The 2024 Carbon County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO) Search and Rescue Demolition Derby returned to the county fairgrounds for another year of stirring up dust and crashing through the night. After a brief delay, the night began, with an eager crowd and many participants.

“Thank you to everyone who came out the derby to support our Carbon County Sheriff Search and Rescue,” the CCSO shared. “It was one of, if not the best crowd attendance in history. A huge thank you to all the businesses that donated time, money and prizes. None of it would be possible without the drivers, family and friends who pour tons of time and money into their derby cars.”

Thank you was also given to the spectators, who come to watch those in participation smashing up all of their hard work.

First place in the Mini Main #1 went to Colby Edwards, while Tyler Edwards secured the win for Mini Main #2. In Limited Weld #1 and #2, Dominick Vigil and Gavin Oliver were the winners, respectively. Devin Walk took first place in Mini Grudge, while the top spot in Mini Vans & Trucks went to Bodee Cook.

Jeremy Abrams secured first place in Trucks, while the winner of the Mini Main Event was Caleb Jackson. First place for Limited Weld Main Event went to Tyler Stansfield. Colby Edwards took first place in both Wipeout and Mad Dog, followed by Caleb Jackson, who took first in Best Paint.

Hardest Hit saw Jayden Thomas in first place, People’s Choice went to Dominick Vigil and Cone Hit had Rylan Lupo in the first place spot.

“Thank you everyone, the proceeds from this event goes entirely to Search and Rescue, who is there 24/7 to help the citizens of Carbon County in a wide range of situations. We hope to see you again next year!” The CCSO concluded.
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