Carbon Metro Drug Task Force Agent Recognized


Price City Police Captain Brandon Ratcliffe attended the Price City Council meeting to give recognition to Carbon Metro Drug Task Force Agent Arthur Parry for his exceptional service and outstanding contributions to drug investigations in Carbon County.

Captain Ratcliffe stated that it was an honor to stand before the council for Agent Parry and all of his accomplishments unnoticed by the general public while working for the task force. The force is largely a confidential entity and they work to keep things as far from the general public and as far from other law enforcement agencies as possible.

The force works independently, keeping case work, informants and more confidential from even other law enforcement officers and entities. The force is minimally funded and minimally staffed, according to Capt. Ratcliffe, but focuses one on of the biggest problems in the community: distributing illegal drugs, primarily meth, heroine and fentanyl.

Agent Parry worked with the task force from 2021 to June of 2024 and Capt. Ratcliffe stated that it was important to note that he self-ended his assignment, recognizing the impact it was having on both himself and his family.

In those 31 months of assignment, he had a full-time partner for four months. In the remaining 27 months, he was the sole task force officer for all of Carbon County. The unique challenges and issues are difficult to note, the captain said, as cases are confidential and they are on call 24/7.

Capt. Ratcliffe explained that from 2022 to 2023, fentanyl-related overdoses rose from 184 to 290, which is nearly a 60% increase, in Utah. Agent Parry seized nearly 10,000 doses within just one seizure and Capt. Ratcliffe stated that it was impossible to count the amount of lives saved with that one seizure.

He presented Agent Parry with a Distinguished Service medal for his superior performance that was clearly above and beyond standards. Agent Parry demonstrated an exceptional work ethic, innovative approach and relentless dedication to the community. He conducted detailed and thorough investigations and worked to dismantle hundreds of drug operations.

“Agent Parry has consistently shown an unmatched work ethic,” the captain stated, before sharing that Agent Parry made over 600 arrests and nearly 500 investigations.

Agent Parry wished to highlight his family, who gave endless support to him during his hard work with the force.

“I’m thankful for them and their tireless support from day one involving drug task force. I spent countless days and hours away from home and without their support, it would of been impossible,” Parry stated.

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