Castle Dale City Council Receives Instruction


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By Julie Johansen

The Castle Dale City Council met for its regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday. The agenda was adjusted to allow for a report from the city’s zoning administrator, who reported that planning and zoning approved another Airbnb business license and that there would be no December meeting for the planning commission. He also reported the resignation of the planning commission secretary, meaning there will need to be another secretary appointed.

The first item on the regular agenda was a request from Steven Jeffery for each council member to state their feelings about tourism in the community. He stated that he is involved with three businesses in the county, including crypto currency, climbing wall construction and an RV park coming to Orangeville. He wanted to know if it was worth his time to make these investments as he feels that the county is not supportive. The council replied in the affirmative but one council member said she preferred investments in industry and if tourism is promoted, it should be done correctly and openly.

Auditors from Kimball and Roberts then gave their audit report virtually. Their report was more complimentary than past years and they congratulated the staff for the improvements and the inclusion of a CPA in the city audit committee. They did request signatures for those who had been through the Open and Public Meetings Act training. Mayor Danny Van Wagoner then read through the pages of the OPM Act to the council and ask for signatures to be placed on file.

Christmas bonuses were then approved for full-time and part-time employees of the city. Next, the 2023 council meeting schedule was approved with meetings remaining on the second Thursday of each month. The alcohol ordinance was amended to remove any restricted sale hours. The council also voted to establish a beautification committee for the city and names will be presented to the mayor at January’s meeting.

Department reports to the council were next on the agenda. Castle Dale Fire Chief Britni Moreno recently returned from Florida where a new fire engine was inspected and the engine is expected to arrive by the middle of December. She also reported the county fire group is considering group training so that all units can be trained together. To conclude, the Castle Dale City code enforcement officer tendered a resignation to the council.

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