CDBG Training Coming up on November 7, 8


Press Release

Each year, some local government officials and those that work with non-profit agencies that wish to apply for grants from the Community Development Block Grant program must go through a training on how to apply for funds. This year, that instruction will take place at the Southeastern Utah Association of Governments offices in Monticello on Nov. 7 and in Price on Nov. 8.

The CDBG Program provides annual grants on a formula basis to states, cities and counties to develop viable urban communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment, and by expanding economic opportunities, principally for low– and moderate-income persons.

“We have all kinds of officials attend this training, including mayors, county officials, people from special service districts and from non-profit organizations,” said Jade Powell, who is over the CDBG program for SEUALG. “I do have to remind people, though, that if they are from a special service district or from a non-profit, they must be accompanied to the training with an official from their county or city.”

Attending the workshop is a prerequisite for applying for funds from the program, largely because each year the details and the parameters of application process change. Attendees receive a workbook that instructs them on policies and procedures when applying for the grants, which includes a checklist. so no item required for the grant applications is omitted. The grant application process itself is done online.

“One of the most important aspects of the workshop is so those that are applying understand the expectations of the grant,” said Powell. “The criteria for awarding the grant can be different from region to region. Our emphasis is more on housing, while another area might be on such things as infrastructure. Those things can change, so that is why they must attend the workshop every year.”

He said there are a great number of policies that have changed this year from last. There is a board that meets every year (people from the AOG’s region) and formulates the new rules for the grants. When grants are submitted, they are evaluated by a point system depending on many factors and then are granted based on the scores.

He said that this year. there is more emphasis on how many people a grant will help on a per capita basis that will give the grant the “biggest bang for the buck.”

“For instance, if a town wants to do a water line that is only going to benefit 10 people, while another town wants to redo an entire water tank which will benefit an entire town, the tank project will get more points,” he explained.

Powell said that while there is an invitation list already sent out to agencies SEUALG is aware of, there may be non-profits that want to attend as well.

The meetings in San Juan County will take place at the San Juan County Building conference room at 1 p.m. on Nov. 7. In Price on Nov. 8, the meeting will be held at the SEUALG offices board room at 9 a.m.

He said he will attempt to keep the meeting to one hour in length.

For more information, contact Powell at (435) 613-0022 or he can be emailed at

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