CHE Fourth Graders Host Poetry Cafe


CHE Press Release

Fourth-grade students at Castle Heights Elementary hosted a poetry cafe to perform their original work on March 4. Parents attended to cheer for their writers. Students created their own poetry books with many different types of compositions in them.

“This was such a fun writing experience for our students! Each student was engaged throughout the lessons, and they were so proud of their published poetry,” said Missy Labrum, 4th grade teacher.

“We loved writing about our family and friends. The kids did not know that poetry could be so fun. Our favorite poem was a cinquain about one student’s crush on Taylor Swift.” said Linda Garvin, 4th grade teacher.

Rhys Donaldson said, “I wrote my cinquain about Taylor Swift because she is my favorite.”

“The kids loved it!” added Garvin.

Students wrote in diverse formats, including haikus (a three-line poem with limited syllables), acrostic (where the first letter of each line spells a word), cinquain poems (a 5-line poem with a syllable pattern), alliterations, and more. Writing their poetry culminated their study of the book, Brown Girl Dreaming, which is written in free verse and haiku.

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