Classrooms Get in Gear at Castle Heights as New Year Begins


Carbon School District Press Release

As with all schools in Carbon School District, Castle Heights Elementary began its new year on Aug. 18 with great hope and strong goals.

“We are so excited to be back in school at Castle Heights Elementary,” said Principal Wendy Fluckey.

On the first day of school, students were greeted with “welcome back” music as Fluckey and the students’ classroom teachers went out on the playground to help ease the “first day jitters.”

“Teachers have been busy introducing classroom routines and procedures,” she said. “Our Instructional Coach, Maren Broadbear, has been busy overseeing the beginning-of-the-year testing for all of our 462 students in phonics and reading to determine their instructional reading level.”

All first, second and third grade students will also be participating in a beginning-of-the-year math assessment to determine skills mastered and provide a baseline of current knowledge to help determine instruction.

The school hosted its Back-2-School night on Aug. 25. This was a great opportunity for parents to be introduced to their child’s classroom teacher, be informed of classroom expectations and routines, as well as have the chance to ask teachers clarifying questions.

That same evening, the PTA was in front of the school talking to parents about joining the organization and explaining what the PTA does during the year. The school’s PTA is integral to a lot of what goes on at the school and is a large support to the teachers and the administration.

Upcoming events at the school include picture day on Sept. 23, fall break on Oct. 14 and 15, and parent teacher conferences on Oct. 20 and Oct. 21.

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