Cleveland Resident Sentenced in Forcible Sexual Abuse Case


On Thursday, Bryan Douglas Viers of Cleveland was sentenced in regard to a forcible sexual abuse incident that had occurred in late 2023.

In October of 2023, a minor disclosed information regarding this incident during a forensic child interview. According to the victim, Viers had asked for them to tickle his hand and while that was taking place, Viers had placed his hand near her crotch area, attempting to touch her “private area”.

The minor disclosed that she had requested that Viers stop multiple times, attempting to push his hand away. However, it was reported that Viers stated that it was fine and no one was awake, before continuing to touch the victim inappropriately before proceeding to engage in forcible sodomy.

With the information based on the evidence from the victim, the Millard County Sheriff’s Office found it sufficient to apprehend Viers.

During his court case, Viers faced four counts of forcible sexual abuse, which is a second degree felony. Viers pled guilty to these counts and was sentenced to four indeterminate terms of not less than one year, nor more than fifteen years, in the Utah State Prison.

The prison time on each count is to run consecutively.

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