Community Enjoys Annual Corned Beef and Cabbage Event


In support of the St. Patrick’s Day festivities that took place throughout Price City on Saturday, March 12, the Notre Dame De Lourdes Church
once again hosted the annual corned beef and cabbage lunch and dinner.

Meals began being served at noon and were available for all that wished to fill their bellies until 8 p.m. that evening. Along with the traditional Irish dish, hamburgers and hot dogs were also offered. There were options to enjoy the meal on site, by delivery or by pickup.

The fun did not stop with great food. There was also 50/50 bingo games from 2 p.m. until the conclusion of the event along with several prize drawings.

“Notre Dame is proud to again host this important part of the community St. Patrick’s Day celebration and is honored to return a portion of the event proceeds back into worthwhile community and charitable needs,” the church shared.

Once the funds are tallied, they will be distributed to worthwhile causes throughout the community.

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