Community Members Give Back to Underdeveloped Areas in Africa


Recently, a team of six from Carbon County made the trip to Ghana, Africa as part of Dr. Kimball Crofts’ Humanitarian Aid Relief Team to help those in need. Local participants included Dr. Kelly Jensen, orthopedic surgeon, Mark Holyoak, CEO of Castleview Hospital, Marcy Loveless, Registered Nurse, General Surgeon John Pressett and volunteers Stasha Pressett and Jamin Jensen.

These individuals organized into three teams to serve three hospitals in undeserved areas of Ghana. When Dr. Jensen arrived, he found that people had been waiting in lines for days to see the team. Throughout the week, Dr. Jensen performed surgeries from early in the morning to late at night.

Dr. Pressett repaired hernias and hydroceles as well as treated fractures and growth deformities, which consisted of thigh, arm and forearm surgeries. Dr. Crofts performed surgeries on people who had burns and infections. While in Ghana, Dr. Jensen and his team were invited to participate in a Ghana Durbar Celebration, which had the Ghanaian dressing up in their native attire, playing music and dancing.

“The people were kind and gracious and the children were exceptionally respectful,” Dr. Jensen explained.

Dr. Jensen has been on previous missions to Honduras to help people with bone and muscle abnormalities and conditions. During this latest experience, he was able to share the experience with his 17-year-old son Jamin, who gained exposure to the medical field and the chance to experience a developing country.  

The team planned months in advance leading up to the mission trip as they saved unused items that would have been discarded to take with them. The team would like to give special thanks to Courtney Cox and Tanika Reid as well as the OR and ER staff at Castleview Hospital for obtaining orthopedic supplies.

Jensen and his team would also thanks to thank thanking Jerry Carlson making a substantial monetary contribution.

“It was a benefit to me personally in countless ways,” Dr. Jensen explained. “It gave me a greater sense of gratitude for my family and community. It makes me appreciate the great staff and facilities we have here in Carbon County.”

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