Creekview Elementary Staff Recognized for Saving Life of Choking Student


Creekview Elementary Principal Keith Palmer approached the Carbon School Board during its meeting last week to recognize his staff’s lifesaving act.

A mother of a Creekview Elementary student contacted Superintendent Mika Salas with praise for first grade teacher Sydney Hunt and instructional coach Grace Gutierrez as they saved her son’s life when he began choking in class.

“We’re here to highlight the heroic act that they performed other than teaching all day, every day,” said Principal Palmer.

Hunt’s students were eating lunch in the classroom when one of the students began to choke. She instantly recognized the situation and began the Heimlich maneuver. Instructional coach Grace Gutierrez overheard the commotion and immediately called for help. Gutierrez then stepped in to continue the Heimlich maneuver until the item of food was dislodged.

“[They] saved this little kid, which is just amazing with all that they do all day that they would pay attention enough to know and recognize that,” said Principal Palmer. “They are heroes in more ways than that.”

Superintendent Salas included that in the email from the mother, she couldn’t say thank you enough to Hunt and Gutierrez for saving her son’s life.

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