Culture Connection in Full Swing


Price City‘s Culture Connection summer concert series continued once again in the Peace Gardens on Thursday evening with performances by Chlorine Daydreams and Nick Passey & Aria Darling.

Chlorine Daydreams, an electronic music group consisting of two brothers, took to the stage first to open the show at 7 p.m. Nick Passey & Aria Darling, an Indie Americana duo from Salt Lake City, closed the night with harmonizing vocals, guitar and mandolin. The goal for this week’s Culture Connection was to have everyone on their feet dancing.

Next week’s Culture Connection will take place at the Price City Peace Gardens at 7 p.m. on Thursday evening with a performance by Mopsy.

To stay up to date with Culture Connection’s weekly performers and vendors, follow Culture Connection on Facebook. If you are interested in becoming a vendor during Culture Connection, please click here.



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