Culture Connection is Moving


Culture Connection is geared up for their upcoming summer season. The first concert is scheduled for June 13, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., at Washington Park.

For over 15 years, Culture Connection has provided free entertainment to not only Price locals, but also residents from the surrounding area. Some attendees travel to Price just to enjoy a relaxed atmosphere, while listening to good music.

For years, Culture Connection has been held at the Peace Gardens. However, for the past couple of years, there have been several requests from band members, as well as residents, to move Culture Connection somewhere a bit more shaded. Due to the lack of shade at the Peace Gardens, it was recommended that Culture Connection be held at Washington Park.

The decision was made to move Culture Connection to Washington Park, as it will provide more shade for band members and attendees, as well as more space for attendees and vendors. Councilman Layne Miller and others believe the move will prove to be a beneficial one. Peter Breinholt will start the season off as Culture Connection’s season opener.

“Peter has performed for countless sold out crowds in every major concert hall in the state, including Kingsbury Hall, Tuacahn and Sundance. Utah Governor Gary Herbert recently honored Peter with the Governor’s Mansion Award for Achievement in the Performing Arts for his influence as a songwriter and performing artist,” stated Breinholt’s website.

Councilman Miller has discussed wanting to incorporate food trucks and local vendors to be a part of Culture Connection. Those interested in participating can contact Miller at

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