Dino Dynamics Daddy Daughter Kick-A-Thon Coming in August


The Carbon High School Dino Dynamics recently announced their third annual Daddy-Daughter Kick-A-Thon.

On Aug. 8, each dancer on the team will partake in a fun competition to see how many kicks they are able to complete within one minute. However, then comes in the twist of the daddy-daughter duo. The Dynamics are aiming to make enough money to assist in paying for new costumes as well as camp fees.

The Dino Dynamics are requesting donations and support for the team. The donations sum up to $1 per kick within the minute or a flat rate. Each dancer will achieve a minimum of 40 kicks but will not exceed 60.

“Thank you for support the Carbon High Dino Dynamics Drill Team,” the team shared.

For more information on this exciting event, including ways to donate and spread the message, please click here.

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