Elmo Town Faces Growing Pains


By Julie Johansen

Mayor James Winn opened the Elmo Town Council meeting on Tuesday evening by welcoming everyone in attendance. Stacie and Gary England then approached the council requesting annexation and services for their property, which is outside city limits.

They were told that until the town can furnish services, they cannot annex their property into city limits. The discussion considered the possibility of approaching the Castle Valley Special Service District for the road, culinary water and sewer. Mayor Winn replied that their request could be put on the town list of projects with the district; however, it could be a few years before it would be accomplished.

Neighboring property owners also supported the England family by suggesting other options, including easements across their properties. Mayor Winn will speak with the service district at the next meeting regarding this matter.

Next, Mayor Winn asked for citizen concerns. Blind corners on the streets caused by overgrown trees and vehicles parked on the street close to the corners were mentioned. This led to the discussion of the fall newsletter the council is preparing to mail to the citizens of Elmo. The newsletter states that vehicles need to be parked on each resident’s property, not on the streets. Other items in the newsletter include the change in water and garbage rates, how to become a member of the HEAT program, and how to pay utility bills online.

A request for assistance in creating a driveway in a different place than where the present curb and gutter is now located was made during the last meeting and needed action. Comments included “what you do for one, you must do for all” and that anything used for that driveway needs to receive approval from the town council.

Next, lights for the pickleball court were approved. It was also reported that the construction delay on the park and around town hall and the fire station is due to unavailability of materials and equipment.

To conclude, it was announced that the Elmo Town trunk or treat will be on Halloween night on First East. It was requested that vehicles with treats park on the east side of the street from Main to First South.

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