Emery County Commissioners Discuss Green River Long Street Access


The Emery County Commissioners hosted a regularly scheduled meeting on June 4, where a plethora of items were discussed. One such item was to discuss the possible approval of the 2024 HEMP Grant from the Utah State Fire Marshal’s Office.

This grant will be used for a training that will benefit not only the county, but the power plant. It was explained that there are hazardous materials up at the plants and when the commission visited last year, it was discovered that there were questions regarding certain protocol.

This grant gives the county a good opportunity to train with them and to help in better understanding, making it beneficial to use. With this information in mind, the grant funding of $3,200 was approved.

Next, the commissioners were visited by Belinda Peacock to discuss approving an application for the Museum of San Rafael to participate in the Utah Collections Preservation (UCP) program.

Peacock explained that the team is a group of heritage stewards from across the state. This is offered by the Utah Field Services, a collaboration of Utah Arts and Museums, Utah Humanities and the Utah Historical Society. This is funded in part by National Endowment for Humanities.

There would be 12 online sessions for Peacock to complete, as well as four in-person workshops that would span 2025 and 2026. UCP provides financial support for travel to the in-person workshops and would also involve doing a preservation project at the museum that would be decided upon in collaboration with the team and the Utah Field Services.

After completion of the two-year program, team members may be eligible to provide preservation services to others. Following this influx of information, the application was approved.

The commissioners then turned their attention to the discussion and possible approval of sending a plan of action letter to property owners regarding Long Street in Green River.

It was agreed that this has been an issue for quite some time now and the commission would like to see it come to a solution. There has been complications regarding the access to public lands due to the property owner along the street.

The proposal brought forth regarding sending a letter from Emery County Attorney Mike Olsen explaining that the street is open access to federal land. Once this is explained, the county is going to give the property owner a total of 30 days to present a plan of action for access relocation.

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