Emery Soccer Ends a Close One Against Juab


Photo by Maxwell Misner

The Emery soccer team made their way to Nephi for a match against the Juab Wasps on Thursday. The last meeting between the two teams ended with a 3-1 victory for the Wasps. This match would prove to be another hard-fought battle by the Lady Spartans.

Both teams would end the first half without being able to score on the opposing net, with solid defense being played on both ends. The Wasps would find their footing in the second half, scoring two goals on their home field. Emery would score one of their own, with Megan Stilson finding the back of the net. The Spartan squad was unable to score again for the tie, ending the match with a tough loss, 2-1.

Emery will have their final two games of the regular season next. First, on Oct. 1, against the Richfield Wildcats in Castle Dale. Then, on Oct. 3, they head to Carbon County for the final game against a familiar opponent.

The team will then have a short break before they prepare for the first round of the 3A state tournament, scheduled for Oct. 12.

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