Emery Town Plans For Pioneer Celebration


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By Julie Johansen

Mayor Jack Funk led the council and attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance as the Emery Town Council meeting began on Tuesday, June 13. A motion to approve the minutes from the council’s May meeting was made and approved.

The town’s fire chief then addressed the council, noting that they had one call out, which was aid for a car fire. He then spoke about applying for a Wildland Grant in the amount of $9,000, which would help with engine equipment and clothing for firefighters.

The Emery Town Fire Department now has eight red card firefighters. The chief reported the fundraiser garage sale the previous weekend was successful. The plans are to have another one this coming weekend.

Councilman Patrick Sundstrom had attended the Castle Valley Special Service District meeting and reported that Rocky Mountain Power expects the plants to be turned to nuclear plants in 2031 and 2032 with about 250 employees. He added these would be molten salt type energy.

Councilman Mike Christensen said that United Minerals withdrew its request for annexation as the company received a culinary water connection permission from the special service district. The company will be responsible for running about 1,000 feet of line for the water.

Councilperson Kim Hansen expressed the need for a resolution and a public hearing to review the 2024 budget before the end of the month. It was decided this hearing notice would be published and the meeting held on June 26. She reported having received the tax rate from Emery County, which would be included in the budget plans.

Hansen then distributed a schedule of tentative plans for Pioneer Days in Emery Town. This celebration will on Saturday, July 15. Following a committee meeting this week, the final schedule will be published.

Mayor Funk concluded the council meeting by reporting that the pump at the cemetery broke but should be under warranty. A new pump has been ordered. He also asked that everyone be patient as the cows are going on the mountain this week and will be on the highway and side streets. He also stated that the recycle bins and garbage dumpsters will be moved and fenced as they are becoming a dump for more than the citizens of Emery.

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