End of Summer Water Conservation Update Presented


Miles Nelson presented the Price City Council and attending audience with a water conservation update during Wednesday’s meeting.

Since the last meeting, the decline has continued at Scofield Reservoir. As of Aug. 31, the reservoir had a water content of 19,023 acre feet, which is only 29% capacity. Nelson stated that the irrigation season usually goes through early October and there has not been any precipitation is the recent weeks.

However, the precipitation went back up in range in average to around 70%, which Nelson stated is better than before. The plant is still functioning at full levels and they are seeing 30-40% less demand than the yearly average.

Nelson shared that there was a discussion in the recent Water Conservation Committee about winding down at the end of the month in the water treatment, which he said is the typical schedule for the end of the season. “It’s been a great summer for people’s efforts,” he stated.

He then requested residents to continue to be mindful of water use and anticipates the plant to shut down in early October. Mayor Mike Kourianos concluded by thanking the citizens again for being conservative with their water usage this year.

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