Federal Charges Issued Against Smith’s Robbery Suspects


A federal indictment was handed down last week, charging Domonic Mathew Martinez and Jennifer Tryon for their role in the Smith’s Food and Drug robbery that occurred last November.

According to the indictment, both Martinez and Tryon are charged with robbery and using/carrying/brandishing a weapon during a crime of violence. Martinez also faces a felony in possession of a firearm charge.

Tryon appeared in Seventh District Court before Judge George Harmond Monday morning for an arraignment hearing regarding two first-degree felony charges. These charges included aggravated robbery and conspiracy to commit aggravated robbery. Due to the federal indictment, Judge Harmond dismissed both charges.

According to Carbon County Deputy District Attorney Jeremy Humes, dismissing state charges is not uncommon when an individual is federally indicted. “It’s a way to conserve resources,” he explained. “Rather than conducting two separate trials, we let the feds take over once an indictment has been handed down.”

Tryon was scheduled to be transported to a federal holding facility in northern Utah Monday afternoon. She will remain in the facility during the federal proceedings, which are scheduled to begin Tuesday, March 25.

If convicted, both Tryon and Martinez will be incarcerated in a federal facility. Humes explained that Utah does not have such a facility and both parties will be transferred out of state to serve any sentence tied to a conviction.

The robbery occurred on Nov. 26, 2013 at Smith’s Food and Drug in Price. According to police, Martinez approached a store clerk and produced a note which demanded money. During the encounter, Martinez also displayed a handgun. After an undisclosed amount of money was turned over to the robbery suspect, he then exited the store and was reportedly transported by Tryon away from the scene.

Evidence gathered at the crime scene indicated Martinez’s involvement. Further investigation into the matter also revealed Tryon’s connection to the November incident.



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