First Ever Emery County Apples for Teachers Award Presented


Photo Courtesy of AJB Broadcasting

The very first AJB Broadcasting Apples for Teachers honor was given to a deserving teacher in Emery County.

Apples for Teachers has been highlighting teachers in Carbon County for some time now. A recent desire to include Emery County teachers quickly garnered attention and, on Sept. 12, Mrs. Emily Mills of Huntington Elementary was surprised with the inaugural award.

She was nominated by Annzlea Cowley, who attends kindergarten at the elementary. Mills not only teaches Cowley, but has taught her older brother and older sister as well. Cowley was very excited to be in her class due to her being one of her siblings’ favorite teachers.

“Mrs. Mills makes all of her students feel special each and every day. She teaches a lot of social and emotional learning through story books,” Cowley explained in her nomination. “I love reading the stories and learning how to be a good student, a good friend, and a good person. I love to tell my family all about the lessons that I learn.”

Cowley has been learning how to read from Mills. She stated that she is learning quickly because Mills is such a great teacher. They also do a lot of fun activities to help learn all about numbers and math.

One of Cowley’s favorite things to do with her teacher is sing. Mills teaches the class a lot of fun songs that help in both learning and having a good time. Mills will go so far as to teach the students funny voices to sing with.

“She is the most deserving teacher I know to be recognized and honored because of her greatness,” Cowley concluded. “She is GREAT!!”

Not only was Mills presented with the Apples for Teachers award, she was completely caught off guard with it. Through a combined effort of the elementary, the students, family, AJB Broadcasting and more, Mills believed that she was walking into an ordinary assembly before learning that it was a moment for her to shine.
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