Frank Peczuh Retires from the Price City Fire Department After 40 Years


The Price City Council honored Frank Peczuh, who is retiring from the Price City Fire Department after 40 years of service, during their meeting hosted on Wednesday evening.

To begin the recognition, Mayor Mike Kourianos first asked Peczuh’s wife, Brenda, to come forward. The mayor said that behind every firefighter and first responder, there is a person helping, supporting and keeping the family together. Brenda said that Frank was a fireman before they were married and it has shaped who he is.

The mayor then explained that they tend to ask retirees who their mentor was. For Peczuh, that was Toy Atwood. The mayor asked Barry Atwood, Toy’s son, to present Peczuh with his certificate of recognition on behalf of the firefighters and the Atwood family.

Atwood said that when he was asked to represent his father, it brought back a lot of memories. As a family member of a fireman, it’s clear what it takes. Atwood explained that his father had a special relationship with Peczuh. Though his father’s been gone for almost 25 years, Atwood still remembers being with him, seeing Peczuh and his father saying “that’s one heck of a good guy, and one heck of a fireman.”

Atwood remembered that because he remembered how Toy felt about Peczuh. He was proud to be able to represent his father and thanked the mayor and council because being a fireman is a special, rewarding job, but it is hard work.

Price City Fire Chief David Johnson, and former Chiefs Bedont and Boyack were then welcomed to speak on Peczuh. Chief Johnson stated that it was bittersweet as they honored and celebrated the remarkable career of Frank Peczuh. For 40 years, Peczuh has been the backbone of the fire department. His contributions have left a mark on all that have worked alongside him.

“His leadership during emergencies has been commendable, guiding us through some of the toughest situations with calm and expertise,” Chief Johnson expressed.

Chief Johnson continued by stating that Peczuh has been a friend and mentor to all, creating bonds that will last long after his retirement. He then thanked Peczuh for being a steadfast support behind him for all of these years.

Bedont said that Peczuh was the only assistant chief that he ever had. Bedont stated that Peczuh has always been there and he appreciated all that he did, as he was always a stalwart. “You’re a good man, and you’ll continue to be a good man,” Bedont stated.

Boyack then told a story about joking around with Peczuh when he asked for food, offering him MRE’s. Peczuh said that, for years now, that joke has kept going, as he would randomly receive MRE’s in gifts from Boyack. From there, Peczuh spoke on his experience.

He stated that 40 years ago, he walked into the fire station and was awestruck by the type of people that were serving in the department. As he leaves, he leaves inspired by the same type of people.

“Their faces have changed, but their spirit has not,” Peczuh expressed, before stating that he’s received far more than he’s given for his service there. Mayor Kourianos said once a firefighter, always a firefighter. He then thanked all that made this moment so special for Peczuh.

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