Golf Course Considerations Face Ferron City


By Julie Johansen

Kasey Edgehouse, Millsite Golf Pro, reported on the conditions at the course during the Ferron City Council meeting on Wednesday evening. He said that construction continues with an approximate completion date of June 15.

He spoke of the upgrade on hole #3 that is being completed. His question was whether or not to use sod grass on the hole because of the water shortage and the need for ample water to keep new grass alive. Mayor Adele Justice responded that she had been contacted by the water board and was asked to be very conservative with water this year.

Edgehouse also reported that numbers are up, especially for junior golfers. He reported that he has also spoken with the Great Life representative who said they are still anxious to begin their lease of the course, and would be ready as soon as the lease is cleared through the Bureau of Land Management.

The snack bar at the clubhouse will be open for breakfast and lunch items with a small menu, Edgehouse reported. The mayor then asked for a community event at the course again this year. Edgehouse said that could be accomplished and reminded everyone that golf carts are always available for citizens to come and tour the course.

Also during the meeting, the Grub Box was announced as Ferron City’s Business of the Month. Mayor Justice applauded the business’ contributions to Ferron City through many years and many owners. Although owner Julie Robinson was not able to attend the meeting, the award basket will be delivered to her.

At this point in the meeting, Chad Booth of “At Your Leisure” joined the council virtually by phone to discuss funds available through the Utah Division of Parks and Recreation Off-Highway Vehicle Fiscal Incentive Grants. He stressed that this would be a great opportunity to get Ferron on the map with the many trails leaving from the city. The application for this grant needs to be submitted before Friday. The council voted unanimously to apply.

The planning commission chair then spoke to the council, recommending that they make some changes in zoning ordinances and licenses with the expansion of tourism and the demand for more short-term rentals in and around the city. This will be taken into consideration and she will conduct research on other cities as well. The council spoke about rental properties and the number of water bills for those properties.

Next up, the current fire department roster was approved by the council and a donation of $500 was approved for Emery High graduation night celebration. An interlocal cooperation agreement with Emery County to administer the municipal elections of 2021 was also approved. The notice of intent to submit an opinion question regarding RAP tax during the 2021 general election was then approved by the council.

The plans for Peach Days Celebration continue and councilman Troy Winter was asked to contact the race horse association to confirm their plans. With this, the meeting concluded.

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