Health Department Releases Update, Reminder on Vaccination Scheduling Procedure


Southeast Utah Health Department (SEUHD) Public Information Officer Brittney Garff recently released updated information and a small reminder to the community regarding the COVID-19 vaccination.

The health department’s website has a tool for scheduling a vaccine. It may be accessed by clicking here. The top of webpage features information on who is eligible for the vaccination at any given time. Garff remarked that this changes often, so it is important to check.

Just below the eligibility information is the scheduling platform, which is simple and user-friendly. Begin by choosing the location, then the date and time for the particular day. A small bit of personal information must be submitted, including a verification of eligibility, which would be the individual’s age or underlying medical condition.

Following this, by simply clicking “schedule,” the process is complete. Once an appointment is successfully scheduled, there is a confirmation page that explains where to go for the vaccine. The page also explains that each person that is administered the vaccine is monitored for 15 minutes following. The confirmation also gives a pre-registration form.

“People should fill out that online pre-registration form before their appointment so we have their information ready when they arrive. It sends them the same information to their provided email address,” Garff stated.

Currently, the vaccine is available to those that are aged 50 and older as well as those that are 18 and older with underlying medical conditions that may be found here. Other locations that are offering the vaccine within the area include Walmart, Smith’s, Lin’s, Boyd’s Family Pharmacy and Green River Medical Center.

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