Helper to Celebrate International Observe the Moon Night


Press Release

The Helper City’s Dark Sky Observers (DSO) and the Castle Valley Star Gazers will be at the Mountain View Cemetery parking lot on Saturday, Oct. 21 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., weather permitting, as part of the International Observe the Moon Night.

This is a worldwide event that is promoted by NASA. Telescopes will be available for attendees to view the moon and other objects, such as planets. Kids will be able to make a special craft as well. Please come join us for a fun family night!

Another event planned is a Solar System Walk along the Helper Parkway on Oct. 28. Did you know there is a one-mile trail on the parkway that is to the scale of our solar system? There are plaques telling you about the planets starting from the sun, which is located behind the museum mining equipment. The planet plaques are set to scale of where they would be in our solar system. There will be solar telescopes so you can view the sun at the beginning of the trail. This event will be Saturday, Oct. 28, from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.

Helper will also be having trunk-or-treat on that same day from 12 p.m. to 2 pm. So, you may need to plan to come early and make a day of it.

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