LEPC Meeting Discuss Hazards Associated with Alternative Energy Sources


This month’s Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) meeting was held on Sept. 16, at the Carbon County Events Center.

Deputy State Fire Marshall Paul Christensen led the presentation on “Hazards Associated with Alternative Energy Sources.” Christensen explained that he would be covering the risks and safety measures associated with solar, nuclear, wind, hydropower, geothermal and stored energy. Christensen then played a short video explaining fire risk that damaged solar panels pose.

Christensen moved onto windmill farms, advising that the biggest issue they encounter with windmill farms is noise pollution. Christensen stated that, other than the noise complaints, there is not much risk associated, until something goes wrong. He said there has been some impact on wildlife, due to the fact that the tips are rotating at speeds up to 130 mph. There is also a risk associated to the workers who are required to fix a windmill due to the sheer height of the windmills.

Next up was the power hazards associated with hydroelectric power. Christensen spoke about the definite risks that come with dam failures such as flooding, fish migration and drowning risks for workers.

Geothermal energy was next on the list. Christensen advised that St. George is currently in the process of building a Geothermal Plant. One of the biggest risks associated with geothermal energy is increased seismic activity, drilling risks such as blowouts and well failures.

Christensen then discussed nuclear energy, stating that nuclear energy is relatively safe. He said that many of the disasters that have happened in the past were caused by human error, poor planning and poor design. Christensen went on to explain how far nuclear power has come in regard to design, planning and transportation. Christensen stated that the vessels that have been created to transport nuclear have been designed to break away from the trailer in case of an accident.

Christensen discussed a particular incident where a semi carrying three separate vessels collided with another vehicle and the vessels detached from the trailer, causing zero nuclear spill. Christensen advised that, when dealing with nuclear, there have been so many safety protocols put into place.

Christensen stressed that it is important that each department have a safety plan in place rather than a react plan. It was discussed that if a plan is not currently in place, then each department in attendance needs to figure out how they are going to get one in place.

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