Letter to the Editor: Off to a Great Start…


The Carbon High School Dinos are off to a great start this year as a football team. These boys are fired up and will likely win several more games this year if they continue to improve and play with confidence and enthusiasm.

Friday night, the Carbon High Dinos won their second game of the year. They defeated the America Leadership Academy Eagles by a score of 37-14 at ALA in Spanish Fork, Utah. The boys played well and might have scored a few more points had they not fumbled the ball half a dozen times. But, what won the game for them was their enthusiasm and the confidence with which they played.

Coach Phil Howa has done a great job of recruiting a large number of boys that are willing to participate this year. The boys like the coaching staff and seem determined to do their very best to overcome the obstacles before them and enjoy a winning season this year. We commend the coaching staff and the boys who have chosen to play the game and wish them the very best of success this year.

It has been 70 years since the Carbon High School Dinos won a State Championship in football. It is about time that changed. Back in 1951, all of Carbon County seemed to get behind their team and support them as they won every game they played that year. Martin Bezyack, Lou Mele, Tommy Tasker, Lee Ramage and a host of other big-name players thrilled many of us younger fellows as we watched them steamroll past one school after another.

One of the most important factors that created that winning team was the role of the Carbon High School Booster Club under the direction of Forest Smith and the dozens of other local people who got behind the team and lent their support at every home game and most of the away games.

Over the past 70 years, Carbon High School has lost 75% of the football games they have played. This year, they are off to a good start, having a record of 2-1, and will likely do much better than the past teams have done, especially if the community leaders and the student body will get behind them and give them the support they need.

Go, DINOS… represent yourselves, your school and community well.

Ray Morley

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