Letter to the Editor: Why I am Voting for Davina Smith


Why I am Voting for Davina Smith, and would like to see us come together as a community in District 69 to make this happen in November.

Davina Smith is hands down the most qualified candidate running to represent rural Utahns on this year’s ballot. We all saw the last run against Lyman in 2022, and I, among many of my neighbors and other locals, felt the heartbreak when he won in such a close election. But what has given me hope is seeing how Davina never gave up. She never gave up on us, she never let party or corporate interests divide the coalition or change her values. In fact, she took it as an opportunity to do more. To get to the root of what issues matter to us most- and include that in her platform. It is a true testament to her character and qualifications, and to see a candidate with a heart has never hardened, gives me tremendous hope. In fact, she went back to the drawing board and asked her team and the communities in District 69- what can I do to meet my neighbors where they at? What can we do together to make Utah a better place? In an age of divisive clickbait, memes, and misinformation, she has stood out as a candidate that stands on her values, above all this noise, while uplifting rural voices and values, never losing sight of what is most important. I will be voting for Davina Smith, and proudly, and I hope to see fellow Utahns in Southern Utah do the same.

We could talk about policy, for example, her history in advocating for public education in rural areas. Her tireless advocacy for victims of domestic violence. Her fight to make rural healthcare more accessible, and her outreach in regards to voter registration, which, we all know is a complex conversation when it comes to much of rural Utah. We could talk about how she is working with National Parks and local businesses to find a balance, to work with us as locals to make sure our needs are being met. Or we could talk about how she understands what is at stake in this election on an intrinsic level due to her own personal background, upbringing and work in Monument Valley and Blanding. I think deep down we all know this election will come down to two factors: voter turnout and outreach, two things Davina has tirelessly tackled and worked on over the last 4 years, if not longer. Perhaps we don’t deserve her as a candidate, but we would be lucky to have her representing us.

It is time for a change- none of us are happy with the status quo. None of us want to see this divisive infighting anymore, and I want a representative that can represent those values. I am ready for the candidate that will uplift rural voices, is from this community, and will use theirs to

make this state the best it can be. Please join me in my support of Davina Smith for Utah, District 69. I know in my heart that we will not be disappointed, as her values align with ours, and she will never turn her back on us, nor take the easy way out, or cater to outside interests. She has had our backs, and still does; it is time we had hers.

Annie Glade
Bullfrog, Utah


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